The Village of St-Pierre-Jolys is responsible for the cemetery located west of the Village on PR 205.

Flowers are only allowed on tombstones, in order to facilitate the cemetery's upkeep.
People looking for a plot should contact Shayla at the Village office for assistance (204-433-7832 ext. 3) or email
The following fees have been approved by Council:
Conventional Casket: $1,000.00
Cremations: $500.00
No burials on Sundays or Statutory/Observed Holiday weekends
All Plots: $500.00
Plots are approximately 4 x 10 and up to 6 cremations are allowed.
IMPORTANT: A letter from the owner or executor for the owner of the plot to accompany a request to bury urn on top of existing casket.
Columbarium Niche $2,200.00 (includes opening the niche door twice for urn placement and plaques with engraving)
- Other Niche opening requests $100.00 each time
- The niche measures 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches and can store two standard size urns
Permission: Must provide a letter from the executor or the trust to request the opening of the niche. Only Village personnel are authorized to open the niches.
If owner or executor wants to sell a purchased niche they must sell it back to the Village at the original cost. A niche cannot be transferred from a purchaser to purchaser.
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