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Local Notices


Recreation & Culture Levy

Village of St-Pierre-Jolys



BY-LAW NO. 2025-02

For the Recreation & Culture Levy

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to subsection 318(1) of the Municipal Act, that the Council of the Village of St-Pierre-Jolys has scheduled a public hearing at the

St-Pierre-Jolys Community Hall,

545 Hebert Avenue in St-Pierre-Jolys

on March 19, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

to present the following special service proposal:

The special service proposal levying properties to assist in paying for the cost of recreation support services in the Village of St-Pierre-Jolys. The cost of supporting the Village of St-Pierre-Jolys for the next 4 years shall be $170,600 for each of the years 2025 to 2028 inclusive. Special service tax will be levied as follows:

Proposed Special Service

The Village of St-Pierre-Jolys has provided recreation support services under general operations in past years. This review will change the terms of taxation from a mill rate to a flat rate special service tax on all taxable, grant-in-lieu and otherwise exempt property within the village for a 4-year term. The annual amount of funding will increase by 5% yearly to allow for inflation starting with 2025 at $170,600.

Method and Rate of Calculating Special Service Flat Tax

Flat rate special service tax will be applied per property with one or more dwelling units for the years of 2025 to 2028 inclusive. The rate of the special service tax will be $327 in 2025, with a 5% increase per year on all taxable, grant-in-lieu and otherwise exempt properties in the village. Properties with multiple dwelling units will be levied based on the number of dwelling units on the property.

A written objection may be filed with the Village of St-Pierre-Jolys Municipal Office, at 701 Jolys Avenue East in St-Pierre-Jolys, MB, prior to the commencement of the hearing. At the hearing, Council will hear any potential taxpayer who wishes to make a presentation, ask questions or register an objection to the special service proposal.

All objections, written or verbal, must be filed prior to the adjournment of the hearing and must include the name, address and property description of the person filing the objection and the grounds of their objection.

Copies of the special service proposal are available at the municipal office at 701 Jolys Avenue East, in St-Pierre-Jolys, MB. Dated at St-Pierre-Jolys, Manitoba this 19th day of March 2025.

Village of St-Pierre-Jolys